The vagina
The vagina
The vaginal ring NuvaRing ® under the name of the manufacturer is known since 2003 in the German market. The flexible plastic ring is used for hormonal contraception, and contains a low dose estrogen / progestin combinations.
The NuvaRing only one size, but this fits perfectly to any woman.
The action or application:
The effectiveness of the NuvaRing is equated with the pill. The hormones prevent ovulation and change the consistency of mucus in the cervix also. So it is no longer possible for the sperm to penetrate.
The active ingredients do this directly through the vaginal wall into the bloodstream.
In the first application of the ring is between 1 and 5 day of menstruation of the woman inserts into her vagina. In the first seven days after the beginning would be essential to prevent additional, not yet complete protection Givens.
You must already have hormonal contraception should be discussed is time to change the gynecologist. This is in fact vary from product to product.
The NuvaRing can be made better when lying down or standing. The ring is left for 3 weeks in the vagina and can be removed independently from the woman after that time. After a break is the week that usually starts bleeding. After breaking a few weeks is a new ring inserted into the vagina - even if menstruation has not yet ended.
Of course, given the protection against unwanted pregnancy and in the ring free week.
We must ensure that the NuvaRing ® is used always in the same day and at the same time (eg Sunday) at 21:00 clock.
The ring is similar to a tampon is inserted into the vagina and should be pushed too far as possible. But it has no effect on the protection, how and where the NuvaRing is in the vagina. The important thing is that the ring of women is not regarded as a nuisance.
The removal of NuvaRing ® is easy. She pushed a finger into the vagina and has the lower end of the ring. Perhaps the NuvaRing hinausrutscht when removing a tampon, or during sex. This is no cause for panic. The contraceptive effect is not lost as long as the vaginal ring is used within 3 hours again.
The NuvaRing should be washed with warm water, never use soap or disinfectant solutions!
Do not use vaginal rings are kept in the refrigerator. If NuvaRing ® can be stored at room temperature must be used within 4 months after the due date of pharmacy.
If present, a fungal infection that has kept pace with the consultation be gynecologist, since some drugs may affect the effectiveness of the ring. In severe reductions in the vagina NuvaRing ® should not be used.
Security is established in several studies, compared with the pill - which is very high.
The management of NuvaRing ® is easy. Because women can adopt independently and remove the ring, which do not depend on the involvement of the gynecologist. Nor should it be for 3 weeks thinking about prevention. This feeling of many women as an advantage to have the problems with the regular use of contraceptives.
Another advantage is that the effect empfängnisverhütetende also not affected by stomach upsets, vomiting or diarrhea.
The medical reasons for the vaginal ring) may be different diseases (eg, eating disorders, bulimia, inflammatory bowel disease.
Common side effects of NuvaRing ® are headache, vaginal inflammation and discharge from the vagina. In addition, in rare cases can be painful acne, mood swings, abdominal pain, nausea, breast tenderness and painful periods, and added.
Not known to affect the way the ring compared with the pill, the risk of venous thrombosis. You can expect a reduction in effectiveness if the antibiotic cure for epilepsy, and St. John's wort is taken in parallel.
The women who for medical reasons should not take the pill is not recommended even before the implementation of the NuvaRing.
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