The Condom
The Condom
The condom is probably the oldest contraceptive on the market. Even before the introduction of the pill and the coil has been applied most often the condom as a contraceptive. Today, the condom is second, because mainly provides protection against HIV infection.
The condom is by the female condom, the only contraceptive that protects only an unwanted pregnancy, even before infection of sexually transmitted diseases.
For those who have sex with new or multiple partners, condom should be used in addition to reducing the risk of infection and protect against unwanted pregnancies.
The action or application:
Using a condom is simple and easy to understand. A condom, the penis must be rigid, so that the closed end "rubber hose can be übergerollt. The semen is collected in the tank and can not enter the woman's vagina.
With the condom, the penis does not come into direct contact with the vagina and fertilization can be excluded if used correctly. In addition, the condom prevents transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
The condom safety depends on proper handling. This should be practiced before the first use, in any case, otherwise it can quickly reach errors. If a condom is used correctly, is very safe.
If it happens to take off the condom, the woman should go immediately to your gynecologist to determine whether fertilization could have occurred.
Application Error:
* Condoms can be damaged when the package is opened with scissors or nails.
* The condom is put on too strong, rather than rolled
* The condom is misplaced, then turned around to use
* The condom is put in without leaving the air force
* The condom slips when they pulled out his penis from the vagina
* Concomitant use with grease or oily substances to improve the lubricity
* Use only products marked with the seal of quality
* Check the expiry date
* Set Holiday condoms always enough, because the quality in other countries is
not necessarily the
* Condoms not exposed to the sun
* Store is not where it could be damaged
* Never use condoms often
The advantage of condoms is double protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The application is easy and the condom is available without prescription.
In addition, there will be no side effects because it does not interfere with the body. Rarely can cause latex allergies. But even this is available in pharmacies that latex condoms are free.
An important advantage from the perspective of women is that men can actively participate in prevention.
For many, it's awkward with a new partner about using condoms to speak. Any person who tends to forget the prevention of sex, therefore, prefer to avoid different. And everyone should remember that there is proof of love to give infectious protection.
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