Implanon since mid-2000 is available on the German market. The bars for a contraceptive implanted under the skin specialist gynecologist in the inner arm.
Implanon prevents pregnancy by reliably for a period of 3 years, as small amounts of progestin are submitted to the body. By the hormone progesterone, which is included in the Implanon, prevents ovulation and mucus of the cervix and uterus is changing.
Therefore, the wife of about 3 years before an unwanted pregnancy is protected by the Implanon.
The rod is a local surgery between 1 and 5 plants and the cycle can be removed at any time again. The effect of Implanon is given immediately after insertion.
Moreover, the fertility of women is after removal of Implanon dice again soon. There are also cases of unwanted pregnancies known, but here was the rod of contraceptives are not used properly. It is therefore important that the gynecologist checks the correct position of Implanon.
Implanon for high security against unwanted pregnancy is Givens.
They have, especially for women who have difficulty with regular use and use of other contraceptives, Implanon is a suitable alternative, as they regularly do not think it should.
Like any drug, there are also side effects of Implanon. In 10% of Anwenderinnen especially side effects such as headaches, acne, breast tenderness, depression and weight gain occurs.
It can also occur occasionally in the use of prolonged or frequent bleeding with Implanon. Instead, other women, menstrual periods are rare or absent altogether.
If you decide before the expiration of 3 years to remove Implanon, is comparatively more expensive contraceptives.
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